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“.. .. ..
- The Religious Field has many wonderful Sciences and Arts which are cultivated through ages by the attempt and effort of innumerable men.
- Of course, they are not accepted by the educated society. Taking this as an advantage, the illiterates have mastered these Sciences and Arts and do all sorts of malpractices. And the literates hate those arts by naming them as “Witchcrafts”, “Black Art”, “Magic”, “Sorcery” and so on..
- This should not be continued. The educated must come forward to do researches in this field with a scientific atmosphere and with a rationalistic approach and attitude. Then only the mysteries, puzzles, wonders, difficulties, complications.. and other unknown problems and evils can be eliminated from the human society. That will alone elevate the human knowledge and understandings. And it will lead to the enlightened stage of the human society.. .. ..”
-Taken from the writings of Siddhar Kakkaiar Mr M Palanisamy Pillai